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Пользователь DavidW9
Рейтинг: 16 0(0)/0(0)/0(0)
Свободен, был на сайте 01.01.1970 03:00
Просмотров: 17
Дата регистрации: 11.04.2019
На сайте: 5 лет 13 дней
Landing Page

Greetings to you, dear performers, My name is David Williams. I have a technical task for you, but briefly: I need Landing Page, luxury version, all products are very expensive, these are expensive men’s shoes. Number of items 6 pieces. You need to set up payment from the site, visa, master card, paypal. The site will only work in India. The site needs to be made very presentable, since it will be visited by very rich people. For all questions you can write to me in Telegram - @DavidW9 * I pay you an order in Bitcoins, and only in them. I pay specially more than the market price of such an order.

Разработка сайтов 12.04.2019